Earlier this week we posted and read a story about the fire at Mount Sunflower, Wallace
County and how it took so many crews to work together with conditions at night and obstacles like fences and unfamiliar territory and the wind and blowing dust made it really tough.
Well that was earlier in the week in Wallace County.
Now in Sheridan County this was a fire that happened just west of Hoxie September 17th
in the afternoon. All emergency services were immediately paged to a fire just west of Hoxie. A deputy with the Sheridan County Sheriff's Department just out of Hoxie arrived on the scene and upon arrival the deputy said the northwest corner of the garage was engulfed in flames.
Attempts were made to extinguish the fire however the fire already spread within the
walls of the structure. Now Sheriff Carver from Sheridan County referred to the outcome as a miracle as well. The garage was a complete loss, the residence was saved with only minimum smoke damage there.
Several firefighters were treated on scene as a precaution. One firefighter was transported to the hospital due to heat exhaustion and later he was released.
Sheriff Carver says, and it kind of reminds me of what happened in Wallace County , where teams work together, individuals work together and he says that incidents like this require substantial equipment and manpower. And boy did they prove that here.
They took a lot of manpower, neighbors, as well as Sheridan County that replied to this,
all the Sheridan County EMS and fire department. And he just went on to say that it requires a village in a rural community. This rings especially true.
They want to recognize in Sheridan County the Sheridan County Fire Department, Sheridan County EMS, Sheridan County Road and Bridge, Sheridan County Communications, the Sheridan County Sheriff's Department, Hoxie Police Department, SCHC, and Midwest Energy for Outstanding Teamwork.
By the way the family was able to have power and gas restored and back in the home that night.
But just some of the challenges that a lot of our volunteers and fire departments put up
with and do a great job.
** Blog taken from audio aired on Good Neighbor Hour
**Photo courtesy of NWKS Radio listener